Friday, April 5, 2013

College basketball unis - modern day

As we celebrate the end of the 2012-13 college basketball season this weekend with the Final Four in Atlanta, I will leave you with all that is good with modern day college basketball unis. Old school rules once again. Simple, bold, clean design. Not the zebra stripes look that is being trotted out by Adidas this year, not the gradients, or pin stripping or fades or screen print of the school seal on the back. Just a good looking uniform.

1 comment:

  1. The transformation of the basketball jerseys was quite remarkable. The length, texture, style and design evolves with time, all for the benefit of the athletes. What makes each uniform special is the name that it carries, may it be for their school's or city's pride. It is the player who will determine its value at the end of the day.
